September 18, 2012

Peanut Butter-illas

I plan to include cooking posts on this blog, but with a tiny and pre-furnished kitchen I'm in minimallist mode for dinners. Thought this might be worth a post, although I'm not going to glorify it by actually calling it a recipe. I take no credit/blame for the idea, Jonathan came up with it at some point and we supplemented with a quick internet check to see if it was a workable culinary experiment or doomed for messy failure:

Peanut butter-illas! Exactly what they sound like, slap some peanut butter on a tortilla, fold and apply to frying pan, dip in jam. Allrecipes recommended using butter in the pan, but I think it added more grease and mess than extra flavor.

It was a fun varation on our standard pb&j! I'd like to try some variations next time--maybe use whole wheat tortillas and add sliced banannas or apples to the mix.

The two jams are wild blueberry and lingonberry, which we picked up on our trip to Ikea last week. Both are very tasty. I'd never had lingonberries before; they have a bitter bite that reminds me of cranberries.

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