September 9, 2012

The Move

Made it to Seattle! It was a little crazy at times, but we're safely installed in our temporary apartment. The first stage of the move was pretty easy, the moving crew swept in and boxed anything that stood still for too long then loaded it up in an impressively short time. I only had to beg for reposession of one forgotten item (dog medicine), and it turned up in the first reopened box, yay!

We spent our last night before the move in a hotel near the airport; I can highly recommend the Euless La Quinta hotel for all your dog-friendly hotel needs. Then it was up at 3 am to head to the airport! That was the tricky part, luckily my dad was there to help, not only the day before to help with errands and getting to the hotel, but then again at 4 am to get us to the airport. Thank you Dad! Between six checked bags, carryons, two dogs and their crates, and (not at all least) The Sam, we had our hands full.

 The flight was actually the most relaxing part of the day! We got Sam strapped into his carseat (which I'm very glad Jonathan was willing to lug through thr airport) and he just took everything in and read his book until we could turn on the electronics. Then he was absolutely thrilled to have 3.5 hours of uninterrupted iPad time, and I took a nap.

Just a little bit like his daddy :-p

Once we landed, things were not so relaxing. We managed to pile all our stuff and the dogs in a corner of the airport, and I waited with an somewhat bored Sam and two nervous puppies while Jonathan picked up a rental truck. (Interesting note: in Texas, it's cheaper to rent a minivan, but in Seattle, cheaper to rent a crew-cab pickup--yay supply and demand) I can't even imagine how strange we looked, but luckily (I guess) we were noticeable enough for a porter to come over and offer his help with the loading process.

Once we were all loaded, the hard part was over! Sam fell asleep almost immediately, and we took turns walking the dogs and waiting with Sam until check-in time at the apartment.

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