December 7, 2012

We moved into the new house!

. . . and then I dropped off the face of the Earth for awhile.

But I'm starting to pull myself back up, and I may even finish unpacking boxes before Christmas gets here! (or at least all but the handful tucked away in closets, which totally don't count)

It really shouldn't have surprised me, but the move-in was crazy! We've got so much stuff, even after getting rid of a bunch of things before we moved out. The moving team we had was great, and unpacking was part of the service, but once we made it through the kitchen, china, and Sam's room, I told them to leave everything else in boxes! Unpacking is easy, putting finding places to put everything is the hard part. I'd much rather have a bunch of things in boxes that needed to be sorted through than to have the stuff strewn about all over the place. Not that we didn't (don't) still have things strewn about anyway, but it kept things to a manageable level.

Then a few days after we moved, Sam and I headed to Texas! It was a wonderful trip with Oma, Grandpa and Aunt Elle, so good to get back to familiar and beloved faces and places after all the new and strange. Mr. Sam continued to be excellent at airplane travel, and Giggy flew back to Seattle with us! She got to spend plenty of time with Sam and it gave me some breathing room to unpack a bit more.

More updates to come, but for now I really wanted to get something posted so I can get back into the swing of blogging!

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