August 21, 2012

Smoothie Adventures

So, in an episode of truly awful timing, I had my wisdom teeth removed last week, the day before our house was officially listed on the market. o.0 Luckily we survived the weekend (thank you Oma and Grandpa!) and now everything is coasting back to normal, except that I'm supposed to be on a liquid or semi-liquid diet for the next week and a half.

Guess what I made for lunch yesterday? Would you believe a chocolate avocado smoothie?

I have yet to master the art of taking pretty pictures of food, so I stole this one from here

It was an idea I'd seen bouncing around Pinterest and Facebook, and I decided to finally give it a try! Final verdict: much tastier than expected, but not to be mistaken for the non-healthy variety. A great way to get nutrients that aren't easily available in pudding, jello, or cream of chicken soup.

Here's the recipe I used, I've also seen variations that include bananas and/or peanut butter:

1 ripe avocado
3 Tbs cocoa powder
1/4 cup plain yogurt
2-3 Tbs Honey
1 cup milk (more or less, depending on desired consistency)

Next time I think I'll try making it with Nutella!

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