July 27, 2012

The Book Cull

I was so good this week! Went through the wrenching process of deciding which books we’ll be keeping through the move and which we’ll donate/sell before we leave. I hate getting rid of books, but found this time around that I was willing to let go of more than usual. Old manga series that rank low on the nostalgia list went into the discard pile, as did the more recent Star Wars novels, which were pretty bad anyway. The obscure Asimov paperback was hard to let go, but chances of reading it are low, and the ease of picking it up in an e-book collection is high. Same rule applied for several cookbooks that always looked fun but never actually got used (thank you, internet!)

When I took them to the library our policy of not keeping empty cardboard boxes around came back to bite me, no usable boxes to carry this mini-library! So I packed them all into the largest and sturdiest gift bags I’d saved from Sam's first birthday and dropped them off for the bewildered volunteers at the library. Must have made an interesting morning, looking inside adorable Noah’s Ark or Toy Story themed gift bags to discover programming and engineering textbooks, video game guides, scifi/fantasy paperbacks and shojo manga. >o<


  1. aww im going to miss the mangas! was it fruits baskets by any chance?

    1. Oh no! I doubt a crowbar could separate me from that series :-p I still read them every now and then when I'm picking them up after some small person scatters them across the living room ^_^
